How To Win Customer On Meta Mega Sale

How To Win Customer On Meta Mega Sale

Meta ecosystems such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Messenger know the enormous opportunity for sales at events related to mega sales. Updating the Meta Discovery Commerce can help businesses provide a shopping experience for customers that is more personalized, practical, attractive, and scalable. 


Why Business Must Choose Meta 

The meta ecosystem has become the top choice of customers in the Asia Pacific especially in Indonesia, surpassing e-commerce and search engines. 

67% of Indonesian customers spend their budget at the end of the year. 

97% of Indonesian customers want to try a new product from another brand at the end of the year.

Indonesian customers pay attention to these four factors before buying a product: 

95% buy a product based on quality. 

94% buy a product based on originality. 

93% buy a product based on competitive price. 

93% buy a product based on the variety. 


Meta Mega Sale Strategy

Build Your Campaign Foundation 

– Data: Sort potential data collected from Pixel, SDK, and offline conversions. Make sure their match scores at least touch a score of 6.0 for higher accuracy. 

– Ads Content: Create ads with diverse content (shorts video, carousel, collaborative ads content, and augmented reality ads). Various ads increase your efficiency up to 32%. 

– Terms & Guidelines: About 5 million USD was lost due to non-standard advertising. 


Before Meta Mega Sale

– Create Awareness 

  1. Target amount group of audience. 
  2. Make unique and unforgettable offers. 
  3. Use shorts and in-stream video. 81% of the audience understands the brand message with the video format. 
  4. Create your content as attractive as possible 


– Engage New Customers 

  1. Target them using catalog ads to create conversion. 
  2. Apply the “low cost and high revenue” strategy. 
  3. Use Reels, stories, and carousels to trigger audience interactions. 
  4. Use a video storytelling template that describes your product. 


Meta Mega Sale Day 

– Remarketing 

  1. Retargeting the audience using catalog ads to create CTA urgency. 
  2. Optimize and manage your ad budget. 
  3. Reupload past content, especially with carousel format. 
  4. Optimize top-performing ads. 


After Meta Mega Sale Day 

– Test Customers Loyalty 

  1. Retargeting customers who have bought before 
  2. Only target customers who have already purchased. 
  3. Use collection and carousel formats. 
  4. Test which ads hold the audience the most.

Year-end is an event that has proven profitable for most brands that can take advantage of it. Meta has a solid ecosystem to increase brand awareness and collaborative ads. It will be an advantage if the business understands the strengths of each platform. Start your free consultation with us for Meta Mega Sale Insights.

Source : Facebook