#covertselling #digitalmarketing

What Is Covert Selling?


What is Covert Selling

Covert selling is a way of entering sales-related information at a glance into the subconscious mind of a potential buyer. The point is, that’s a marketing technique that targets people who hear or read it to be interested in buying without feeling offered.

Use the right copywriting and make them interested in your content. Therefore, they will happy to share the content with their friends and it is an easy way to get interaction because people feel this is not an ad and will help increase engagement.


What Emotions Bulit by Covert Selling?

 1. Curious

#curious #digitalmarketing #covertselling

Covert selling is a hidden selling technique. It makes you have to create content on social media accounts that when the audience read, see, and listen to it, they will curious. Instead of skipping the content, they will be curious and wondering about the ending.

Instead of explaining the product clearly, you can create a content strategy that gives the audience an idea of the benefits and advantages of the product. Furthermore, out of curiosity, they will find out about the product, or even directly ask through the comments column or direct message.

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 2. Ambiguity

#ambiguity #covertselling #digitalmarketing

The meaning of ambiguity in covert selling is each audience can have different perceptions in reviewing your content. Rather than wonder what the audience thinks about the content, you have to focus on convincing them about the positive perspective of your product.

The purpose of using ambiguous words is so that the reader can represent the word according to what is in their mind. When they think that product will give them what they want, it leads them to make purchases.

What Supports Covert Selling?

 1. Collaborate stories and image


Who doesn’t like stories? People like stories that are emotional and have knowledge inside also makes them feel the real process and get a result, it will attract them to do the same step to get the same result.

But a story will be considered a hoax if there is no convincing evidence, so you have to insert pictures or videos in the story. For example, you can insert pictures where people can see before and after customers use your product. This will increase customer trust in the product and show them that the product works.

 2. Right copywriting

#copywriting #covertselling

Covert selling is not only about how to create content strategy but also copywriting. Covert selling works very well if you are able to deliver the messages in an easy and fun language such as telling stories.

This technique is highly recommended to increase traffic and engagement. keep in mind that covert selling never uses command words like “buy now” because the purpose of this marketing technique is to make people interested in buying without feeling offered.

Read : The Importance of Digital Marketing Copywriting

Last but not least, keep in mind that Covert Selling doesn’t use Call-To-Action (CTA) in the story. Because this technique is used to minimize people that immediately skip when they see selling content. Instead, they will interested in reading the content first and entice them to be curious about your explanation.

Are you interested in using Covert Selling? Or want to try another technique?

Let’s consult with us!