
The Benefits of Email Marketing for Businesses

Email is one of the oldest forms of digital communication—but it’s also one of the most effective digital marketing strategies out there.

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a powerful channel, a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating those items into your marketing automation efforts. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships, or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails.

Why is It Essential?

Apart from being the primary communication source, email marketing has some other benefits:

  • It offers a high Return on Investment (ROI). Based on the Neilson study, email marketing has the highest ROI of 675% when compared with any of the other major marketing methods. An email marketing campaign can greatly increase sales and profits when integrated with a business’s website. 
  • More effective in acquiring new customers than social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter
  • We can seamlessly integrate it with other communication channels. Use your chance to enlarge your audience, blending emails with your profiles on social media platforms, SMS, or web push notifications.
  • It improves your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by driving traffic to your website through content sharing and backlinking.

When to Use It?

There are many ways to use email marketing — some of the most common including using the tactic to

  • Build relationships: Build connections through personalized engagement.
  • Boost brand awareness: Keep your company and your services top-of-mind for the moment when your prospects are ready to engage.
  • Promote your content: Use email to share relevant blog content or useful assets with your prospects.
  • Generate leads: Entice subscribers to provide their personal information in exchange for an asset that they’d find valuable.
  • Market your products: Promote your products and services.
  • Nurture leads: Delight your customers with content that can help them succeed in their goals.

Types of Email Marketing

There are several types of email marketing, each with its own purpose and target audience. Some of the most common types include

  1. Newsletters: Newsletters are typically sent on a regular schedule, such as weekly or monthly, and include information about a company’s products or services, and industry news. We prefer to use newsletters to maintain a relationship with existing customers and to keep them informed about the company’s activities.
  2. Promotional Emails: These types of emails are used to promote a company’s products or services, often including special offers or discounts. We prefer this strategy whenever we want to target lists of potential customers and drive sales or generate leads.
  3. Transactional Emails: These are automated emails that are triggered by a specific action, such as a purchase or registration. They can include confirmations, receipts, and other types of information that are relevant to a specific transaction.
  4. Relationship Emails: This type of email marketing is used to build and maintain a relationship with a customer. It can include “Welcome” emails for new subscribers, “Birthday” emails, and other types of messages to foster a sense of engagement with a company.

Each type of email marketing has its own specific goals and strategies. But, they all have the goal to target the right audience with the right message at the right time.

Ready to Start Yours?

If you’re ready to start the benefits of an email marketing campaign, CVI can help.

Let us help you create a personalized plan that aligns with your unique goals and audience. Our team will work with you to develop compelling, engaging content that drives results.

Contact us today for more information!

Source: Mailchimps, Sendpulse, Hubspot


Website Optimization: Tips to Improve UX and Performance

Website optimization refers to the process of improving the performance and user experience of a website. By optimizing a website, businesses can increase traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue.

Here are a few tips for optimizing your website:

Speed matters

A slow-loading website can be frustrating for users and can negatively impact search engine rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify areas for improvement and consider optimizing images and using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve loading times.

Use responsive design

With the proliferation of mobile devices, it’s important for websites to be mobile-friendly. A responsive design ensures that a website looks and functions well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Optimize for search engines

SEO (search engine optimization) is critical for driving traffic to a website. Use targeted keywords and phrases in your website’s content and meta tags, and consider creating a sitemap and submitting it to search engines.

Improve the user experience

A website that is easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience will keep visitors on the site longer and encourage them to take action (such as making a purchase). Consider using clear and concise copy, well-organized navigation, and intuitive design to improve the user experience.

Use analytics to track progress

Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how visitors are using your website. By regularly tracking key metrics (such as traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate), businesses can identify areas for improvement and optimize their website accordingly.

By following these tips, businesses can improve the performance and user experience of their website and drive more success.

So, what do brands or any business need to know? Well, you’ve got to do your research. Stop guessing, and start knowing how your consumers are likely to find your brand – all with the help of CVI.

Source: altexsoft, hostinger


Online Marketing: How to Effectively Promote Your Business Online

Online marketing

is a cost-effective way for businesses of all sizes to reach a wide audience and promote their products or services. However, with many options such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

To effectively promote your business online, it’s important to first identify your target audience and understand their needs and preferences. This will help you determine the most appropriate channels and strategies to use on your online marketing campaign.

Social media is a great way to connect with customers and build brand awareness. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to share content, engage with followers, and track campaign success. Providing value to your followers, like informative posts and special offers, is important for success.

Email marketing is another effective strategy for reaching and engaging with potential customers. By collecting email addresses and sending targeted campaigns, you can nurture leads and drive sales. To create successful email marketing campaigns, it’s important to segment your audience and personalize your messaging. A/B testing different subject lines and calls to action can also help you optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results. This can be achieved through keyword research and targeting, as well as creating high-quality, relevant content that provides value to your audience. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is another way to reach potential customers through search engines. By bidding on specific keywords, businesses can place ads at the top of search results and only pay when a user clicks on the ad.

Online marketing is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. By investing in a strong online presence and using a combination of strategies, you can effectively promote your business and reach a wider audience.

Partner with us and tap into the power of online marketing to effectively promote your business online. Let’s work together to drive results and achieve your business goals.

Source: hubspot, linkedin


Performance Marketing: Benefits and How it Works

What is Performance Marketing

First, let’s understand what performance-based marketing is.

It can be defined as his marketing and advertising strategy online that demands payment from the advertiser once a business goal is achieved.

One of the most common examples of business goals is sales. Let’s say you’re a businessman running a performance marketing strategy. We only pay for advertising when our products are actually sold.

This strategy allows promotional activities to have a direct and significant impact on the company’s overall performance and goals. Our focus on campaign optimization helps you generate more conversions through testing and data-driven decision making.

How Performance Marketing Works

Advertisers place ads on specific channels (see below for details on the best performing marketing channels) and pay based on the performance of those ads. Performance marketing has a variety of payment options.

1. Cost Per Click (CPC)

Advertisers pay for the number of clicks on their ads. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website.

2. Cost Per Impression (CPM)

Impressions are basically the number of times your ad is viewed. With CPM, you pay for every 1,000 views (so if 25,000 people see your ad, you pay him 25 times the base rate).

3. Cost Per Sales (CPS)

With CPS, you only pay when your ads generate sales. This system is also commonly used in affiliate marketing.

4. Cost Per Leads (CPL)

Similar to cost per sales, with CPL you pay when someone signs up for something. Like an email, newsletters, or webinars. CPL generates leads so you can follow up with customers and increase sales.

5. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

CPA is similar to CPL and CPS, but more common. In this structure, advertisers pay when a consumer makes a specific action (for example, subscribe, sharing contact information, visiting a blog, etc.).

Top Performance Marketing Channels

When it comes to performance marketing, which channel is most effective? There are five types of performance marketing used by agencies and advertisers to drive traffic:

1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Most online research is done through search engines. So having a website optimized for search engine marketing (SEM) is essential. Performance marketing is primarily focused on cost-per-click (CPC), especially when it comes to paid advertising. In organic SEM, many performance marketers rely on content marketing and his SEO-optimized landing pages.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing focuses on providing useful information to users and putting brands in context. For example, a vitamin company might write a series of informative blog posts about the benefits of probiotics and post links to the probiotics they sell. Content marketing includes blog posts, case studies, and ebooks.

3. Social Media

Social media is heaven for performance marketers. In addition to providing the ability to reach users and direct them to the site, users can also organically share sponsored content to provide reach far beyond the original post. We have the most extensive list of services for marketers, but other platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter also offer many ways to reach new customers.

4. Native Advertising

Native ads use the natural look and feel of a web page or website to promote sponsored content. For example, Sponsored Videos may appear in the Up Next section of your YouTube page. Native advertising is also popular on e-commerce sites. For example, you may have seen it on the Facebook Marketplace. Native advertising works because sponsored content can coexist seamlessly with other types of organic content. Users often don’t distinguish between these types of content, so it’s a natural way to promote your brand.

5. Banner (Display) Ads

If you’ve ever accessed the internet, you’ve probably seen a lot of display ads lately. These ads appear at the top or bottom of your Facebook News Feed page or any news web page you just visited. While display advertising is slowly losing its appeal due to the growing popularity of ad blockers and a phenomenon experts call banner blinding, many companies are opting to use interactive content, video, and attractive graphic design for display advertising. has been successful in.

How Performance Marketing Works

Performance marketing channels allow you to scale your advertising efforts and meet the needs of your business in an economical approach. This is an effective way to diversify your audience. Extend your reach and capture valuable data while implementing a plan that is trackable and manageable.

Performance marketing is the most popular marketing strategy with many benefits. If you are in business, there is nothing wrong with implementing this marketing strategy. Want to know how to optimize Performance Marketing? Feel free to consult with us.

Source: hostinger, bigcommerce, binaracademy


Why Choose Tiktok For Marketing & Advertising

Even though it is a newcomer, Tiktok is a platform that businesses can choose in a content marketing strategy. The platform allows in-app editing and is rich with various filters, fun effects, and music overlays, also can integrate with other social media platforms.


Tiktok for Marketing & Advertising

Tiktok has advantages that are pretty different from the marketing & advertising features of social media platforms that we already know, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.


The Benefit

This platform is full of young generations who do not hesitate to express themselves and make things viral for their satisfaction. What an opportunity for businesses to build branding and reputation and maximize user-generated content (UGC).

Tiktok for Business feature also allows businesses to test campaigns before they are distributed to determine how eye-catching, original, and authentic the campaign is.


Tiktok is a platform that allows brands to be creative, even out-of-the-box. Inequality in the advertising budget in business will no longer be such a big challenge when brands can produce quality content according to trends and user-oriented trends.

Top view ads, in-feed ads, hashtag challenges, brand takeovers, and branded effects are the five types of ads provided by Tiktok. Businesses can also use Ads Manager to get reference data.


Tiktok Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Marketing

Tiktok has a magnificent AI (artificial intelligence) for its algorithm that can combine Natural Language Processing, Computer Visions, and Data that provides the types of videos. And can easily track the audience’s interest and show them some related videos.

AI is predicted to have a bright future, and businesses must be used to them. Tiktok AI has an excellent opportunity to increase business engagement if you can display content that matches customer interests.


Tiktok Influencer Marketing

Influencers are considered capable of keeping pace with business needs and trends. 86% of businesses use them to build brand awareness and create conversions. But, choosing the right influencer is difficult for some businesses.

Tiktok Creator Marketplace shows metrics that refer to the performance of influencers. Businesses can see their audience’s gender, age, social influence, etc. So businesses can determine the right influencers to increase ROI.


From the explanation above, Tiktok Why Choose Tiktok For Marketing & Advertising. After knowing this, will you use Tiktok in your marketing & advertising strategy?

Let Creative Visions Indonesia know about this and help your business succeed on Tiktok with our free consultation!

Source : neilpatel, ankursnewsletter


Youtube Marketing : Easy Steps For Beginners

Youtube Marketing Guide

Including Alexa, Youtube is in second place under Google in the category of platforms most frequently searched by internet users worldwide. Youtube has overgrown over the past few years, assisted by the rise of video media and has a variety of videos with various durations and content, which makes it very powerful when combined with a marketing strategy.

But don’t think just uploading videos will make you win the hearts of customers, not only you who are aware of the potential of Youtube. A ton of small and big brands are involved in it, thus making the competition even more out of control. A winning strategy is needed so that your brand can stand out on this platform.


Optimize Youtube SEO

High-quality content isn’t enough. Applying a long-term investment for your channel by optimizing SEO. There are the ways to optimize it, including, such as :

– Use potential keywords for video files and apply them to your title.

–         Optimizing video description.

–         Make a specified category.

–         Tag-related video with a trending topic.

–         Add subtitles and closed captions.

–         Add cards and end screens. There are six types of cards (channels, donation, fan funding, link, poll, and video).


Youtube Marketing Research Tools

You can do this research with many tools from the internet or application. Here are some recommendations for you :

–         Ahrefs Keyword Explorer: to determine keyword ranking, related keyword, search volume, etc.

–         Answer The Public: for long-tail keywords insights.

–         vidIQ Vision: the tool by Chrome that will help you to analyze and review a particular YouTube video’s performance.

–         Cyfe: to analyze and track where the traffic came to your video from every website property you have content on

–         TubeBuddy: to manage your Youtube video production, optimization, and promotion.


Find Youtube Collaboration Partner 

It could be the other creators, special guests, or brands. It depends on your goals and how to convey the message to your audience. Choosing the right partner for collaboration makes your video more attractive and generates more traffic. Here’s how to collaborate :

–         Find partners that are equal to you.

–         Make sure the partners have the same interest, view, and niche with your channel.

–         Introduce yourself politely when asking for collaboration.

–         Brainstorm with the partner and team about video style.

–         Set realistic goals. The unrealistic goals will bring you disappointment and hopelessness.

–         Remember to promote your video on various platforms.

There’s a sample opportunity waiting in the future for video marketing, and the audience nowadays assumes that video is more shareable and has a better-personalized approach than any other type of content. Hire the best agency for Youtube Marketing plan and strategy.


Source : Hubspot, Backlinko, Glints


How To Win Customer On Meta Mega Sale

Meta ecosystems such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Messenger know the enormous opportunity for sales at events related to mega sales. Updating the Meta Discovery Commerce can help businesses provide a shopping experience for customers that is more personalized, practical, attractive, and scalable. 


Why Business Must Choose Meta 

The meta ecosystem has become the top choice of customers in the Asia Pacific especially in Indonesia, surpassing e-commerce and search engines. 

67% of Indonesian customers spend their budget at the end of the year. 

97% of Indonesian customers want to try a new product from another brand at the end of the year.

Indonesian customers pay attention to these four factors before buying a product: 

95% buy a product based on quality. 

94% buy a product based on originality. 

93% buy a product based on competitive price. 

93% buy a product based on the variety. 


Meta Mega Sale Strategy

Build Your Campaign Foundation 

– Data: Sort potential data collected from Pixel, SDK, and offline conversions. Make sure their match scores at least touch a score of 6.0 for higher accuracy. 

– Ads Content: Create ads with diverse content (shorts video, carousel, collaborative ads content, and augmented reality ads). Various ads increase your efficiency up to 32%. 

– Terms & Guidelines: About 5 million USD was lost due to non-standard advertising. 


Before Meta Mega Sale

– Create Awareness 

  1. Target amount group of audience. 
  2. Make unique and unforgettable offers. 
  3. Use shorts and in-stream video. 81% of the audience understands the brand message with the video format. 
  4. Create your content as attractive as possible 


– Engage New Customers 

  1. Target them using catalog ads to create conversion. 
  2. Apply the “low cost and high revenue” strategy. 
  3. Use Reels, stories, and carousels to trigger audience interactions. 
  4. Use a video storytelling template that describes your product. 


Meta Mega Sale Day 

– Remarketing 

  1. Retargeting the audience using catalog ads to create CTA urgency. 
  2. Optimize and manage your ad budget. 
  3. Reupload past content, especially with carousel format. 
  4. Optimize top-performing ads. 


After Meta Mega Sale Day 

– Test Customers Loyalty 

  1. Retargeting customers who have bought before 
  2. Only target customers who have already purchased. 
  3. Use collection and carousel formats. 
  4. Test which ads hold the audience the most.

Year-end is an event that has proven profitable for most brands that can take advantage of it. Meta has a solid ecosystem to increase brand awareness and collaborative ads. It will be an advantage if the business understands the strengths of each platform. Start your free consultation with us for Meta Mega Sale Insights.

Source : Facebook


The Right Digital Marketing Channels for Your Business!

The transition from conventional business to digital business is now massively increasing. Various digital marketing channels have sprung up, such as marketplaces to social media, which contribute to spreading products to cyberspace. More and more businesses are entering the digital world, it will increase the competition for traditional companies.

This situation demands many businesses to join the digital world. Many things are done, from uploading products to the website to promoting through the marketplace. However, the proper marketing channels must be selected so that the marketing activities are beneficial. This article will discuss three factors to consider before deciding which digital marketing channel to use.

1. Scalability

Scalability refers to the ability of a marketing channel to reach a target market or audience. Before deciding which digital marketing channels to use, you need to know how many people you can reach. We recommend using highly scalable media. The bigger and more flexible a channel is, the better because you can use it as your company and sales grow. Currently, looking at the market share size, Google and Facebook dominate the most effective and scalable marketing channels.

The characteristics of the channels to be used are also important. Content design must match the characteristics of the channel. For example, social media has social facets that include interactions between audiences and content and also conversations between users. Then you have to create more social content to attract audiences. Find a broader discussion of digital marketing channels here.

2. Targeting

The more targeted your audience is, the more effective your campaign message will be. There are two main types of targeting: behavioral and demographic. You can define the digital marketing channels and types of advertising used based on the consumer’s intention to search for certain types of products and services through the actions they take. For example, use SEM because you know that your audience will search for your product through search engines.

Meanwhile, demographically, the determination of the channel and the type of advertising used is based on the audience’s self-profile, such as identity, interests, location, etc. Good channels for the target demographic are Facebook and Instagram. To learn more about targeting your audience, you can read here.

3. Cost (CAC)

Marketing costs incurred by the company to get new customers. Acquired here can be interpreted as creating an account, installing applications, or buying products. If you have marketers in your company, you have to consider the costs you incur to hire marketers and the costs for marketing activities such as advertising. It would help to compare those costs to the number of subscribers you can get on the channel. You can calculate by adding up the salary and marketing expenses and then dividing by the number of customers you can obtain in a month. Each channel can have a different price. Therefore you must understand very well about this cost calculation.

Those are the three main factors you must consider to determine the right digital marketing channels for your business needs. These three factors include measuring marketing reach, targeting consumers, and calculating costs. These three things can help you find an efficient marketing channel to use.

Are you still having trouble determining the suitable media to use?

Click here to consult with us!


Digital Marketing 101 : Through what channels?

Choosing the channel you want to use. We offered various channels and ways to achieve our objectives in digital marketing. The biggest challenge is deciding the most effective for our brand and target.

Each channel of Digital Marketing tools has a different function and characteristics. After all, this article will explore which digital channels suit your campaign. 

Read : The Right Digital Marketing Channels for Your Business!

Digital Marketing Channels

Website Optimization

Website is one of the essential parts of your business. A website is like the principal office of a brand that can be seen worldwide, including your target market. Things that need to be considered in your website are your Brand Information. This information can make your target feel more convinced about your product. Also, the display of your website has to be friendly and fast. If it’s not, the user might have left your website and decided not to explore anything about your product.

To optimize your website, you might need SEO (Search Engine Optimization), where your website will appear on the first page. With these tools, the possibility for your website to be explored by the prospective audience.

Paid Ads (Pay per Click Ads)

This might be one of the most popular digital marketing channels that helps drive traffic to your website. This might save your budget, where you only have to pay for your ads when someone clicks on them. Based on this channel, we can use Display Ads, YouTube Ads, Shopping ads, Social Media ads, Programmatic Ads, etc.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers expected to influence or engage the audience with our message. With influencer marketing, we can ask them to make engaging content for the audience to engage in our brand or campaign. There are many types of influencers, micro-influencers, and macro-influencers. Each influencer has its characteristics, such as travel influencer, food vlogger, beauty influencer, etc. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is as simple as sending marketing messages to your mailing list user. The news of your blast email can be optimize to create personalized marketing. Using tools like MailChimp, SendInBlue, and Omnisend you can categorize each user by their interest, demography, and others.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has consumed almost everyone in the world. Maintaining a brand through Social Media channels could bring value to the brand itself and appear as one of its physical presence. Nowadays, we can keep the brand through social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and many more.

Additionally each channel can work well or might be less effective for your brand, so back to number first again. What is your objective, and which kind of ads do you want? You might need to explore each digital channel to consider the most effective for your campaign.

So what is the most relevant for your brand? let’s consult with us! 
